Pyre is a token that rewards smart investing and makes the world a better place.  It’s also a new generation of decentralized evolving and customizable NFTs with extreme utility.  It’s an entire ecosystem, where each community member can be whoever they want to be.  In essence, this is the Web3 project to end them all.


PYRE is a self-sustaining reflection token on the MATIC chain that 
• rewards holders with 45% of all transaction fees
• automatically injects liquidity into the liquidity pool
• rewards responsible investing with lower transaction fees
• invests in green, sustainable, and humanitarian projects

NFT 2.0

The Pyre NFT project follows a compelling story that is an allegory for actual events occurring right now in the real world.  Our community of “Keepers” and their dragons battle an evil corporate empire named Atlas to liberate the entire human race from wage and debt slavery.  Along the way, human avatars will be custom-minted and then trained to become Keepers.  Keepers will earn the right to mint a stable of various species of dragons.  They all will join the fight against Atlas in games of ever-increasing complexity.  Rarity and stats (and thus market value) will be improved through rare accessory drops and participation in the story.  The initial social media-based games will give way to fully-designed chapters of a 3D multiplayer role-playing-game that incorporates the user’s entire Pyre NFT collection as assets.


The end game for Pyre’s NFT project is a metaverse unlike all others: the “Burning Man” of metaverses.  Ours will be a playground for creators and artists, allowing them to create and share experiences with a huge audience.  It will incorporate a functioning economy, underpinned by the PYRE token and existing to reward those who create value for the community.  This will be a metaverse where the user can be anything, create anything, and do anything.  


Pyre and its entire ecosystem are governed by a “do no harm” philosophy, while fairness, equality of opportunity, and giving back are at the core of our DNA.  We are a community of artists and creators, and our passion lies in developing unparalleled experiences for our community members.
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